Welcome to ThruDark’s Force Fit Community. A collaborative Facebook group exclusive to GoDark brothers and sisters.
The Force Fit Community has been created as a space to bring GoDark members together; as a healthy competitive environment; as a library of tools that you need to maximise athletic performance. It is within this space that you can share your own fitness journey and help inspire others to push themselves to their limits.
As a member of the Force Fit Community you will gain exclusive access to fitness related content, including but not limited to a weekly jamboree series, unseen ambassador content and group activities and events.
Sign up to the mailing list below to be the first to know when you can join.
"ThruDark Force Fit community is a fantastic opportunity for our network to stay connected, inspire, and make ourselves accountable. The idea here is for us all to offer up workout plans, highlight your local gym facilities, find training partners, and sign up for challenges and events posted on the page. Mental and physical health go hand in hand, let's elevate and encourage each other to be better versions of ourselves, and remember DBAC"
Louis & Staz - ThruDark Co-Founders